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10/03/2008 PCC Minutes

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (2008)

St Lawrence Church, Barton-on-the-Heath

was held on

Monday 10th March 2008 at 6.00pm

in the Old Parochial Church School (winter venue)





Present :     Chairman                Rev. R. Smith

Vice Chairman         Mr. J. Shipton

Churchwarden          Mr. H. Cathie

Secretary                Mrs. G. Cathie

Treasurer                 Mr. D. Brown

Member of PCC       Mrs. C. Brown

Member of PCC       Rev. R. Burn

Member of PCC       Dr. J. Grimshaw          (6.25 – 7.20pm)

Member of PCC       Mr. B. Henderson

Member of PCC       Mrs. C. Henderson

Member of PCC       Mr. M. Hughes-Hallett

Member of PCC       Mrs. P Hughes-Hallett


Parishioners            Ms. M. Pettifer            (until 7.20pm)




The Chairman opened the meeting with prayers.




Item 1.       Apologies for Absence


Mr. and Mrs. A Fisher and Mrs. K. Petty.



Item 2.       2007 AGM Minutes.


The Minutes of the 2007 Annual General Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman..



Item 3.       Electoral Roll 2008


There were no changes to the Electoral Roll for 2008.



Item 4.       Chairman’s Report


A copy of the Chairman’s Report is attached to these Minutes.


The Chairman gave thanks for the support given to, and the successful treatment of, the Rev. Burns during his recent illness.


The Chairman wished to emphasise his thanks to Mrs. Jayne Hanks for arranging the Flower Festival and for her hard work during the year.


The Chairman wished to emphasise his thanks to Mrs. Gillian Cathie for her term as Secretary, her support for her husband as Churchwarden and for carrying out her many other duties.


The Chairman also expressed gratitude to the organist, Mr. A. Fisher, the former Churchwarden, Mr. J. Shipton, for assisting the Churchwarden and Mesdames Cathie and Henderson for the day to day care of the church building.





Item 5.       Treasurer’s Report


The Treasurer reported that Mrs. Wendy Hicks had examined the 2007 accounts and was content with them. Providing circumstances do not change, she is prepared to examine the 2008 accounts, should the PCC ask her. Mr. J. Shipton proposed and Mr. H. Cathie seconded a motion asking her to examine the Final Account for 2008. The meeting agreed. The Chairman expressed the PCC’s thanks to Mrs. Hicks for her work.


A copy of the Account to 31 December 2007 is attached.


Income for 2007 was just over £7,300, some £2,000 higher than budgeted but nearly £3,000 less than in 2006. The 2006 income included some £500 in more Donations, a grant of almost £400 from the Parish Council, and almost £2,000 more from Special Events, including the liquidation of the Fête account.


Expenditure in 2007 was some £2,000 lower than in 2006. Virtually nothing was spent on maintenance of the church, but the Parish Share was paid in full and the arrears cleared.


Income and Expenditure were roughly equal but the 2008 Budget results in a deficit of nearly £6,400 which will reduce the balances considerably.



Item 6.       Churchwarden’s Report


The Churchwarden reported on the transfer of ownership of the Old Parochial Church School, now to be called the Village Hall.


On 27th February 2008 Mr. B. Henderson, Mr. M. Hughes-Hallett and Mr. H. Cathie signed a Statutory Declaration to make the Village Hall the property of the PCC. A Community Interest Company will be created under a 2004 Act of Parliament to run the Hall for the benefit of the community rather than the owners. This will ensure that the Village has continued use of the building.



Item 7.       Deanery Report


The Chairman gave a Deanery Report, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes.



Item 8.       Vestry Meeting      


The following elections were agreed unanimously by the meeting:


Proposed                      Seconded


Churchwardens                             Mr. H. Cathie                    Mr. D. Brown                 Mr. B. Henderson

Mrs. C. Henderson            Mr. H. Cathie                 Dr. J. Grimshaw


Deanery Synod Representative       Mr. J. Shipton                   Mrs. P Hughes-Hallett    Mrs. G. Cathie

supported by              Mrs. C. Brown



Ms. M. Pettifer proposed that the remaining PCC members continue to serve and they were re-elected en bloc.



Item 9.       Any Other Business


No further business was raised.



Parochial Church Council Meeting – 10th March 2008.




Item 1.       Appointments The following appointments were agreed unanimously by the PCC:


Proposed Seconded
Vice Chairman Mr. J. Shipton Mr. H. Cathie Mrs. C. Henderson
Secretary Mrs. C. Brown Mrs. G. Cathie Mrs. P. Hughes-Hallett
Treasurer Mr. D. Brown Mr. J. Shipton Mrs. P. Hughes-Hallett



Thanks were expressed to Mrs. G. Cathie for her work as Secretary.


Mr. J. Shipton proposed a vote of thanks to the Treasurer for his work.



Item 2.       Minutes of the Previous Meeting. The Minutes of the PCC Meeting held on 21st November 2007 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.



Item 3.        Report of PCC Finances.                     The Budget for 2008 had been approved at the November PCC Meeting. The Treasurer reported that we had over half our budgeted income for the year but income would not come in at the same rate in the rest of the year. To date we had only paid two relatively small invoices but it was still early in the year.


We must try to increase income but still maintain a very close control over spending. All unbudgeted expenditure must be approved by the PCC before it is incurred.


The insurance premium for the Village Hall will probably be paid by the Village Hall Committee but until it takes that decision it will be paid by the PCC and hopefully reimbursed later.












Mr. Brown

Item 4.        Quinquennial Inspection Report.                     Mr. Cathie reported that he and Mr. Henderson were due to meet Michael Clews after 17th March 2008 in order to carry out the Quinquennial Inspection.


Rev. Smith observed that church buildings throughout the country are now in better repair than ever before as a result of Quinquennial Inspections.


  Mr. Cathie

Mr. Henderson

Item 5 i.       Heating. Mr. Shipton reported that the electric heaters in the Church would not continue working for another season due to the lack of spare parts. The electrician had suggested six wall mounted quartz heaters at a cost of £227 plus VAT each. Rewiring would cost a further £600, a total of about £2,200.



Mr. Shipton asked for permission to purchase one heater to see whether it would be appropriate to go ahead with the electrician’s suggestion. Agreement was not reached within the meeting as to whether these wall mounted heaters were appropriate. The subject was left in abeyance.



Item 5 ii.     Child Friendliness.                     Mrs. Brown suggested that the pews were very restrictive for very young children and that it would be more welcoming if these important members of the congregation could be give a little extra space. It was agreed that a pew could be moved to allow a small carpet, which Mr. Cathie offered, to be laid


Mrs. Petty had kindly donated some books and toys to be kept in the Church.


Mrs. Henderson commented that the BCP services were onerous for young children and some thought  should perhaps be given to this.






Mr. Cathie

Item 6.         Outreach Service.                      A service of Songs of Praise had been suggested by Mr. A. Fisher, the organist. The PCC agreed that this should take place at 6pm on Sunday 21st September 2008.



  Rev. Burn

Mr. Fisher

Item 7.          Any Other Business.                      Mr. Jim Saxton of the Deanery had offered help in setting up an internet shopping site which could provide funds for the Church. Mrs. Brown offered to put Mrs. Linda Graham, who runs the Barton-on-the-Heath website, in touch with Mr. Saxton with a view to accepting the offer. This was agree unanimously by the PCC.


Mr. Henderson reported that the stone crosses were ready to be mounted on the roof when work commenced after the Quinquennial Inspection. One of the crosses would be available for viewing in the Village Hall the following day.


Rev. Smith reported that he had arranged with Canon A. Wells to run the course “Christianity Explored”  in Long Compton. All men were welcome to the breakfast meetings which would be held at the Red Lion starting on Saturday 19 April 2008.


Easter Services leaflets were available for distribution.


A local actor, Joseph Mawle, will be taking the part of Jesus in the performances of the Passion during Holy Week on BBC television.


Rev. Burn reported that Canon A. Wells would be providing training for lesson readers, experienced and new, in Wolford Church on Tuesday 27th May at 7.30pm. All readers will be welcome.




Mrs. Brown












Mrs. Henderson

Item 8.         Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting will be held at 6pm on Monday 12th May 2008 in Church.





The meeting closed with prayers at 7.50pm.





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