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12/05/2008 PCC Minutes

 The Parochial Church Council Meeting

St Lawrence Church, Barton-on-the-Heath

was held on

Monday 12th May 2008

in St Lawrence Church (summer venue)





Present :     Chairman                Rev. R. Smith

Vice-Chairman         Mr. J Shipton

Church Warden        Mr. H. Cathie

Secretary                Mrs. C. Brown

Treasurer                 Mr. D. Brown

Member                  Mrs. G. Cathie

Member                  Mr. B. Henderson

Member                  Mr. M. Hughes-Hallett

Member                  Mrs. P. Hughes-Hallett


The Vice-Chairman took the Chair and opened the meeting with prayers.


Item 1.       Apologies for absence.


Rev. R. Burn, Mrs. C Henderson (Churchwarden) and Dr. J. Grimshaw.


Item 2.       Minutes of the Meeting of 10th March 2008


The minutes of the meeting were signed as a true record.


Mr. Henderson reported that the insurers had sent the wrong forms to him for the

insurance of the Village Hall. He was still awaiting the correct forms so the premium

had not yet been paid.


Item 3.       Quinquennial Inspection


Messrs. Cathie and Henderson met Mr. Clews, the architect, in the church on22nd April 2008.The report had not yet been received but Mr. Clews indicated that the building was basically sound. Some outside pointing was required and gutters needed to be cleared. The roof did not need immediate attention.Mr. Henderson asked that the stone crosses might be erected when this work was done.


The PCC agreed that the Churchwardens and Mr. Henderson could undertake work to the sum of  £1940, the amount remaining in the budget.







Mr. Cathie

Mr. Henderson


Item 4. Report of PCC Finances


The Treasurer reported that, to date, income was slightly higher than expected. It had been assumed that, following the reduction of the basic rate of income tax, the tax reclaimable under the Gift Aid scheme would also be reduced. However, the Chancellor has given a three year “holiday” during which tax reclaimable of Gift Aid donations will remain at 28%.The invoice for the Church Insurance had only recently been received. Ecclesiastical Insurance Company had offered a 25% discount on premiums providing we undertook to stay with the company for five years. They had explained verbally that, during that time, premiums would be indexed linked. Mr. Henderson proposed and Mrs. Cathie seconded accepting the offer. This was agreed unanimously.The Parish Share has been paid for the first quarter of 2008.


The small increases in income and savings in expenditure, over £500 on insurance for the Church and £1,000 for the Old School, will reduce the budgeted deficit to about £4,650.







Mr. Brown





Item 5.       Williams Adams Charity. The funds of the William Adams Charity, which was set up to purchase coal for elderly parishioners of Barton-on-the-Heath, are vested in the Rector and the Churchwardens of the Parish. No distribution has been made for at least the last thirty years and the function of the Charity has lapsed. Mr. Cathie, as Churchwarden, was applying to the Charity Commission to allow a change in purpose of the Charity in order that its funds may be used to provide heat for the Church which has a mainly elderly congregation. The funds would be transferred to the PCC as a restricted fund.The PCC unanimously welcomed this proposal and the Application was signed by past and present trustees in the presence of the PCC.



Mr. Cathie


Item 6.       Any Other Business.It was agreed that more research was needed into a new heating system. Both electric and LPG heaters should be considered.Mr. Cathie reported that Norman Roberts, solicitor, expected to confirm completion of the transfer of ownership of the Village Hall within 7 days.


Mr. Shipton suggested an organ recital in the church during the opening ofBarton House Garden on 25th May. He agreed to approach Dr. Grimshaw.


Rev. Richard Smith invited everyone to Deanery Synod, at Whatcote, on 10thJune where the speaker will be from the Divine Inspiration team; and to the Archdeacon’s Visitation at Newbold on Stour on 20th May; and to “From Beginning…to End – A walk through the Bible on 7th June.


He drew attention to the events taking place in Long Compton 24th-26th May.


 Mr. ShiptonMr. HendersonMrs. Brown 


Mr. Cathie



Mr. Shipton

Item 7.       Date of next meeting Monday 10th November, 2008, 6pm, in the Village Hall. 

The meeting closed with prayer at 7.10pm.







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