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21/05/2010 AGM Minutes



HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL on 21st May 2010-05-21 at 7.30pm


Present: Councillors:  Brigadier J F Rickett (Chairman), Lt Col J B Henderson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs G Cathie, Mrs L Hayman-Joyce, Mrs D Pelczynski

Clerk:  Mrs H Seymour-Smith

Hon. Treasurer:  Capt J Castle RN

Internal auditor: Mr J Shipton

Public: Mr J Matthias, Mr D Poulsom, Mr M Hughes-Hallett, Mr J Hayman-Joyce,

Mrs C Henderson, District Councillor S Gray


  1. No Apologies


  1. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on the 3rd April 2009 were approved and the Chairman signed them.


  1. Accounts for FY ending 5 April 2010


The Honorary Treasurer presented the Final Statement  for 2009/10 to the Council.  He pointed out that Income had been as forecast in the budget with the exception of an additional £75 as a prize for an Environmental Scheme.


Turning to Expenditure he pointed out that Stratford District Council had again only refunded £223 against the claim for £300 for grass cutting.  This was the second time this had happened and for next year an adjustment of the precept might be required.  £50 had been spent on pest control (moles) from the nominal maintenance fund and £575 had been spent on the Survey of the Bird Memorial for which the village had received a grant of £250 in the previous financial year.  The money held for the village hall broadband connection had also been repaid.


The balance of funds in hand held in the C&G account was £1,487.14.  The reconciliation showed that £500 of this was ring fenced for any possible election and £428.30 was held for South Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch, leaving £558.84 available to the Council for the new financial year.  He added that a VAT reclaim of £110.41 would be submitted later in the year, which would increase the liquid assets available to a total of £669.25.


The Chairman felt that this was a sound state for the finances and the accounts were approved.


3a.   Annual Return


The Chairman approved this item being added to the agenda.  The Honorary Treasurer reported that the public scrutiny period for the accounts had ended the previous day and that the Council could approve the Annual Return.


First he reported that the Internal Auditor had completed his inspection and had approved the accounts.  He had observed that inflation was possibly going to increase during the year and wanted to advise the Council to consider an inflation linked increase in the precept for 2011/12 rather than allowing the reserves to be used to maintain a balanced budget.  The Council thanked the Internal Auditor and noted his warning on infklation.


The Honorary Treasurer then reminded the Council that the village Capital Assests had been held at their 2009 value for 2010 and the percentage charge included in the calculation for the precept for maintenance (depreciation) had been reduced to 3% from 5% to take account of the national economic situation.  This would be reported to the External Auditor and was shown on the Capital Assets Statement.  The Statement was approved by the Council.


Finally the Honorary Treasurer guided the Council through the Annual Governance Statement, which was agreed without exception, so that the Chairman and Clerk signed the Annual Report.


  1. Precept for 2010-2011.  covered in item 3a above.


  1. Chairman’s Report – copy attached.


  1. Council Officers Expenses – the Honorary Treasurer stated that he had claimed £13.05 in February.  The Chairman said he had a small amount to claim and would inform the Treasurer.  The Council were content that expenses were being properly handled.


  1. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2010-2011

Brigadier J F Rickett and Lt Col J B Henderson were duly elected for the above posts.


  1. Appointment of Honorary Treasurer, Internal Auditor and Clerk for 2010-2011

Capt J Castle, Mr J Shipton and Mrs H Seymour-Smith were duly appointed for the above posts respectively.


  1. Any Other Business – none.


  1. Date of the next Annual General Meeting – 27th May 2011


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